Family Engagement Plan

At Enka Intermediate, we believe in a strong partnership with all stakeholders in the school community. It is the belief at Enka that when we have strong collaboration with the parents and community, there is a direct and positive impact on the student population. Collaboration with Enka stakeholders will be conducted through various forms of communication that aid in the increase of parental involvement. The relationship with families is critical throughout the child’s academic career and parents must be given an opportunity to take an active role in the education of their child. Our goal is to build and foster a partnership that will support the social, emotional, and academic development of all students at Enka Intermediate.
The Parental Involvement Plan will be reviewed each school year by the School Improvement Team, School Advisory Council, and PTO Board. It will also be reviewed at the Title I Annual Meeting and Open House. Parents are encouraged to take an active role in their child’s education through one or many of the following activities:
Parent Teacher Conferences
Volunteer Program
Student Clubs
Title I Family Involvement Opportunities
Parental Advisory Council Meetings
PTO Meetings
Mentor Programs
Individualized Education Plan Meetings
School Dances
Special Activities for PBIS
Box Tops
Tools for Schools
Calendar Subject to Change Based on PTO, SIT and School Updates
Enka Intermediate School Calendar 23-24
25 Meet the Teacher 1:00-3:00
28 First day of school
4 No School - Labor Day
7 School Improvement Team 3:30
14 Open House 4:30-6:30
19 Powerschool Parent Portal Meeting @
8:30 AM, 12:00 PM and 5:30 PM (translation available)
20 EIS Parent Advisory Council 8:30
2 Teacher Work Day, no school
3 Teacher Work Day, no school
5 School Improvement Team 3:30
13 Fall Pictures
27 Jet of the Month
31 Early Dismissal 1:05
End of the first 9 weeks
2 School Improvement Team 3:30
10 NO School Veterans Day
16 Awards Ceremony
22-24 No School Thanksgiving
1 Jet of the Month
4 6th Grade Choir and Orchestra Concert 6pm
7 School Improvement Team 3:30
13 PTO 5:30
20-31 No School, Winter Break
2 Teacher Work Day, no school
3 Students return to school
3 Start One School One Book
4 School Improvement Team 3:30
10 PTO 5:30
15 No School Martin Luther King Day
23 No School Teacher Workday
End of the semester
29 MAP Celebration
1 School Improvement Team 3:30
2 Jet of the Month 2:00
8 Family Night 4:30pm -6:30pm
12 Class Pictures
13 Awards Ceremony
15 Early Dismissal 1:05
1 Jet of the Month
5 Teacher Work Day, no school
7 School Improvement Team 3:30
10 No School Teacher Workday
13 PTO 5:30
15 5th Grade Social
29 Early Dismissal 1:05
1-5 No School Spring Break
10 EIS PTO 5:30
11 School Improvement Team 3:30
19 PBIS Incentive Day
23 Early Dismissal 1:05
26 Jet of the Month
2 School Improvement Team 3:30
15 Early Dismissal 1:05
27 No School Memorial Day
31 Jet of the Month
10 Last Day of School
Early Dismissal 1:05